
Archive for April, 2011

Please take a moment (in your free time) to take this survey about the e-text. The department is trying to gather some data on the use and importance of the e-text. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


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Here are two worksheets that will help you generate ideas for your projects. I will look at them if you want some feedback/help.

Project Proposal Worksheet (word doc) engl121proposalsheetProposalArg

Audience Analysis Worksheet (word doc) 121AudienceAnalysisSP11

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What’s one thing you think most people should know how to do by the time they become middle-age? Why? How should/can they learn how to do that if they haven’t already?

The one thing I think most people should know how to do by the time they become middle-age is to express their emotions. Whether people agree or not, it is a fact that every single human being expresses some kind of emotion (unless someone is numb from shock or something [in which case they would be experiencing the emotion of “shock”]). An emotion is basically a strong feeling that is provoked by something (maybe an object or a person) in particular. It is a natural thing to show emotion; that is why a baby cries, laughs, or gets upset whenever it feels like it. However, as a person grows older, they learn to refine how they express their emotions. For example, although a toddler might hit his peer for taking his toy, a fifth grader will know that expressing his emotion in that way is not acceptable. I think it is imperative for someone who is middle aged to know how to conduct his/her emotions properly.  If not, that person might become a social outcast.  Society holds certain “norms” as to how a person should deal with their emotions. These “norms” are what keep things in order. If a 50 year old goes around hitting everyone who upsets him/her, he/she would probably end up in court. It’s just the way things work.

It would be hard to be in your 40s or 50s and not know how to properly express how you feel. If someone is middle aged and still does not know how to express emotions, there are several options they can take. I think the most helpful thing would be to go to a therapist or a communications specialist. Or, the person could read up on some books about coping with certain emotions.

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the most important thing someone should know is in my world. so far i think it is should know to how talk to people. because if you’re not able to speck to other people or able to tell them how you feel. then later on in life this will hurt that person a lot they wont be able to have friends. have someone close in the family tp them or have a girl/boy friend. or wont be able to get ahead in life because the one of the most way people communicate is talking to one another so I feel if you’re not able to show how u feel or be able to put it in to words.

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What’s one thing you think most people should know how to do by the time they become middle-age? Why? How should/can they learn how to do that if they haven’t already?

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Spring Break

Spring break is a time to relax and enjoy yourself which means I would love to enjoy myself on a nice warm beach away from reality. I would love to visit the Grand Cayman Islands for my ideal spring break. It has a seven mile beach. The water there is crystal blue, unlike our water at Ocean City. This beach is so beautiful and would be the perfect place to sit back and relax, maybe even read a book. I can just imagine lying in a hammock on the beach. Although I have to be honest I have been there before, but I fell in love with it the moment I saw the place. I also love to shop and the town has many cute shops to shop in. The Cayman Islands is very relaxing and that’s what spring break is for to take a break from all the stress in your life. I would love to go to the Cayman Islands for my spring break.

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Spring break is awesome. If I had the choice to go anywhere, I would probably go to French Polynesia in the southern Pacific ocean, specifically the island of Tahiti. It is one of the most beautiful places on earth in my opinion. It has great weather, great beaches, and great views. It seems like the perfect paradise to me. I like the idea of being on an island far away from my work problems. However, it is not completely isolated, so it is enjoyable as a tourist location and there is a lot to do. I would probably never get bored. The water is crystal blue and one can stay right on the water if desired. For me, the greatest pro to this location is the beaches. I love beaches anywhere I go, but Tahiti beaches are especially beautiful with forest life behind you, white sand under you, and blue ocean in front of you. It may be expensive to get there, but it is definitely worth it. I feel like the best place to relax is a place where the weather is warm, the water is warm, and the view is awesome. This is what Tahiti provides. That is why I want to spend my spring break there. See you all there!

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The best location to spend Spring Break would be.. your bed. It’s such a warm lovely place to stay and its free! Who doesn’t like anything free. No need to make any reservations, see annoying people, or need for room service. Of course you can always invite people over and have them mess up your house then you could hire a maid to get that “vacation feel”, but hey that’s up to you. Your bed is the best place to get rest, warmth, and the best place to have daydreams. Why go outside and lay in the wet grass when you have a nice warm cozy bed to sleep in? You would be crazy to go out in the cold windy weather and not enjoy the warmth provided in your house. Paradise oh paradise. Its right under your nose. Can’t you feel it?

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I think that the best place to spend Spring Break would be somewhere warm. I think that Paris would be really nice to go to in the Spring because of the sites and the fact that I really want to go there. Especially in the Spring time when it’s not too hot, but there is a breeze. That would be the perfect time to walk around in France’s streets and experience the nightlife. You can go to cafes, nightclubs, and go shopping and it wouldn’t be the same if you did all of that here. One, so you can say “yeah I bought that, but in Paris” and another so you can experience the cultural aspects and maybe even learn a new language while your there. If your not a fan of big cities, you can always go to the countryside. You can visit the vineyards and farmlands to just get away from all of the noise in the city. While there you can also cleanse your pallet with some diverse cuisine such as la caille (quail) and le canard (duck). Now I know what your thinking you could eat that in America, but France is known for their duck so you know if you ordered it, it would be well prepared and you might like it.

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 Question of the Week 7

The absolute best location to spend Spring Break would be South Padre Island, Texas. Trust me, I’ve been there. This beach is the perfect combination of sand, ocean, and a beautiful view. Spring break is meant to be the week that helps us all relax and unwind from our hectic daily schedules. I don’t know a better way to spend it than on a beautiful beach.  Why spend your break freezing your toes off on a ski resort or wasting your time on your couch when you could have the sand right beneath your feet? South Padre Island has the most incredible view with white sand, huge palm trees, and turquoise water. In the time that I was there, not a single cloud passed the sky. When spring break comes around, the weather on South Padre is perfect; dry and warm, with a slight breeze every now and then. Not only will South Padre allow you to escape a fast-paced lifestyle, but it offers quality housing, food, and entertainment at a low price. The people are friendly and the beaches are ultra-private. You and your family or friends will get to spend time together while relaxing at the same time. No one to bother you, nothing to stress about; what better way to spend your break than South Padre Island?

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