
Posts Tagged ‘badromance22’

This class might have been challenging, but it was the good kind. I learned how to properly cite sources in this class. Yep, that’s right. All those years in English and I have not been 100% sure on how to do so. Not only was I introduced to different websites that show you how to so, but my teacher told me what was the right and wrong way. I now know that they must be in alphabetical order and depending on what the source is (website, website with no author, blog, etc), there must be a specific layout. I used to just put them all or the place and it was a mess. Now the next time I am writing a paper, I can properly organize my sources. Even if i forget I now know some sites I can go to, to refresh my mind on how to cite. Its perfect and this class taught me a lot as well as challenged me.

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I think one thing everybody should know by the time they are middle aged is how to properly conduct themselves in an interview. Now a days people are getting jobs younger and younger. By the time they are out of high school they have gone to at least 3-4 job interviews. In order for potential employers to take you seriously you have to dress the part. You can’t wear jeans and a ratty old t-shirt, or they are going to think that you don’t care. You need to wear khakis and a nice shirt (polo, sweater, blazer). If a middle aged person does not know how to act professional then you wonder what they have been doing for the majority of their lives. It’s hard to get a job as is because of the economy, but it’s pretty hard to get one if you act like you have no interest in that certain company or business. Now if you really don’t and its just a part time job (to make a little extra cash) then keep it to yourself. You need to sit up straight and act like an adult. If you can’t act professional then you will not be taken seriously.

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I think that the best place to spend Spring Break would be somewhere warm. I think that Paris would be really nice to go to in the Spring because of the sites and the fact that I really want to go there. Especially in the Spring time when it’s not too hot, but there is a breeze. That would be the perfect time to walk around in France’s streets and experience the nightlife. You can go to cafes, nightclubs, and go shopping and it wouldn’t be the same if you did all of that here. One, so you can say “yeah I bought that, but in Paris” and another so you can experience the cultural aspects and maybe even learn a new language while your there. If your not a fan of big cities, you can always go to the countryside. You can visit the vineyards and farmlands to just get away from all of the noise in the city. While there you can also cleanse your pallet with some diverse cuisine such as la caille (quail) and le canard (duck). Now I know what your thinking you could eat that in America, but France is known for their duck so you know if you ordered it, it would be well prepared and you might like it.

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Dear Mom,

I should be Empress of the house because I am the most flexible (with my time), and I am super organized. Every morning you go to work at 7:50 (give or take a few minutes) and you come home at 5. I have a class schedule that varies and do not spend a whole day at school, so when I get home I can thoroughly check and see what needs to get done. You, however are always tired after you come home from work and therefore rarely feel like doing anything (cooking, cleaning, checking the mail). I am young and contain more stamina than you and that is probably why I clean the closets when they are full of clothes and such that nobody in our household uses now, or may ever have in the past. I keep the presentation of our house intact for our guests and personal well-being.

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Before I knew about AcademicOne File,  I would always Google words and phrases related to what my paper was about. However, when I would do that usually sites like Wikipedia would be the first thing to come up on the search engine. Soon I realized that Wikipedia was not a reliable source because anyone can go on that site and modify anything (pictures, text). I have found some websites on Google that are credible, but its an adventure going through each page trying to find a good site. I know when the source is good because the majority of the time the site has a name everyone recognizes. Such as The New York Times, or a medical journal.

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Obesity Is Not a Disease

George Hawley:

  • He is ranting and not giving any real evidence. His “argument” is only from his point of view and is too personal. Who is his audience? Parents? We aren’t sure. In this argument he is too bias and is so narrow minded.


  • Obesity is a RESULT of a disease but not a disease itself. Our audience will be people who think it is a disease and health care/ medical field and G. Hawley.We will be bring in more evidence and become more specific to where the line is between obesity VS. being overweight.

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Argument:  These Peanut Butter M&M’s are not counted as a serving of protein.

Audience: Doctors / Dietitians.

What they know: They all know what should be in a daily diet, what people should eat and should not eat, what other proteins people can eat, and any type of substitutes for protein.

What we need to know: Terminology, ingredients in the peanut M&M’s, nutrients facts. Comparing to M&M’s there are foods that are fatting but also gives protein. EX: burritos, humus, and refried beans.

What are they going to say: Too much sugar, no vitamins, more fat and crabs then protein, M&M’s should not be in a daily diet.

Why them: Because they have the upper hand, experience, and history in the nutrition field.

What can they do: If they disagree with us they would convince people that Peanut M&M’s are unhealthy. If they agree with us they could sell the M&M’s in schools and promote the M&M’s.

Effective Response: We would need logic in order to talk to them and have them convinced.

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Who knew?!

Everybody has ’em. The infamous family dinner where you only know at least 4 people out of the 14 sitting around you. Everyone talks about their accomplishments and their child’s. Then it finally gets to you. What do you say?

About 3 years ago I had a huge family dinner and the majority of it was spent by me smiling and nodding. I thought that a good way to impress my family was to use a vocabulary that is not usually common for a 15 years old kid. I cant quite remember the word by word, but I do remember the word cul-de-sac. I had used it in my dialogue and everything seemed to be going well. I was wrong. I had said cul-de-sacs, to represent the plural for cul-de-sac. That was frowned upon and I was laughed at. Apparently the plural for cul-de-sac is culs-de-sac. Yeah…I didn’t know either. I was pretty embarrassed at first, but then the mood died down shortly after that. It was because everyone realized I was only 15 and was taught to put an ‘s’ after everything to make it plural.

I only said it 100 times before to other people, but either they didn’t know or they thought it was cute. To this day I still don’t like that the ‘s’ is in the middle of the word, but there’s little to nothing I can do about it.

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Hi, I am BadRomance22. I am looking forward to reading what all of you have to write, and what you have to say about what I write. I love other people’s criticism. If there is something not right or something you would do differently in my writing, do not be afraid to tell me. We all have plenty of room for improvement and this is the opportunity to prove that. I’m eager to read your thoughts and ideas.

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