
Posts Tagged ‘butterfly1919’

Dear mom and dad ,

I am writing this letter to prove that I can be the one on in charge of everything in the house. I should be the one in charge because I pay close attention to things around me and also I make sure all the tasks are done on time. I can do more than one thing at the time and do them all perfectly. I always look at families need and make my decisions based on the needs. I care about the family more than any body else so I can be the one who runs the family. I am good in balancing financial needs and making sure that everybody in the family is getting their share . I am the oldest child in the family and I have been in different situations with the family. I should be the person who takes care of everything in the house due to the reasons that I gave.

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Obesity is Not a Disease

We choose to Refute


-Hawley defines a disease as pathological, but then goes on to say that being obese is a person’s choice. This is a weakness because he contradicted himself. His main definition does not support his argument.

-He only used his opinion. He did not provide facts to back-up his claims. Using opinion makes an author lose credibility.

-He does not give enough support as to how obesity is not a disease. If he can’t support his own argument, then it won’t be effective.

-His tone is very angry. Having an angry tone would make the audience close themselves off to what he has to say.

-He does not cite enough of his sources. He thinks the reader will just take his word for it. Not citing sources is a huge blow to an author’s credibility.

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I usually get to some words that I don’t know the meaning of them , which is kind of expected because, English is not my first language. I try to not use a word unless I am sure about the meaning and the right place of using it. When I am at work my supervisor is the best person that I go to if I don’t know the meaning of a word. There was a word that I was hearing from her all the time , but I could just guess the meaning of the word. There was another problem too. I could not even say the word for some reason. I went to ask her about it, but since I did not know how to say it, I had hard time explaining which word I was looking for. After going through all the explanations she understood which word I was talking about. The word was discombobulated. She told me it means when you are confused or not being able to think clearly.  I asked her to write it down so that way I can practice on pronouncing it. I took me almost a week to learn how to say it , but we had good laugh when I was trying to say it. Now I do use the word sometimes and whenever I use it, it reminds me of the day that I could not pronounce it.

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Butterfly 1919

Hello every body

My name is Butterfly1919.This is my second year at HCC.  When people meet me for the first time, they describe me as a shy person , but after hanging out more with me they change their mind.  I am looking forward to get to know more about my classmate .

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