
Posts Tagged ‘ConfessionsOfaGrunge92’

Dear Parents,

You have been in charge of running this house hold for many years now, but now it’s time for me to take your position. I’ve watched you closely make collective decisions as to what is good for your children and what is not. Some of those decisions did justice, some of those just didn’t make any type of sense. For example, when I couldn’t go to New York for an audition for a summer intensive, but I will be going there for school. Was there a reason? Or was apart of a plan so you could try to take some control of my life. Some parenting skills are required, such as learning how to change a diaper; and some are just plain unreasonable. I shouldn’t have to argue with my PARENT because of me trying to make my future plans/career path succeed. Yes, I may be young but as a lot of people say, ” To be early is to be on time”. I need to start my career early so when it’s time to get out of college, I will have certain connections that I can go to that I know will pull through. These are some reasons why I should be EMPEROR of the house. I am the only individual in our house who has a sense of open-mindedness, compromising and reliability. I pick up the kids every day, take care of them when I’m home, get them when you guys have things to do and etc. Might I add that they are not my responsibility. I get good grades, I’m not a bad child or rebel and I’m not a slacker. When I make good choices, they are for me, not you. Which also leads me to, you should listen to me a little bit more. Now since we are all adults, you will listen and you will here my voice of opinion, still in a reasonable and respectful manner. This is me putting my foot down, this me going a furious rampage, this is me stating that I will be emperor! Hear me roar!

Sincerely Your Emperor,


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Obesity Is Not a Disease

George Hawley:

  • He is ranting and not giving any real evidence. His “argument” is only from his point of view and is too personal. Who is his audience? Parents? We aren’t sure. In this argument he is too bias and is so narrow minded.


  • Obesity is a RESULT of a disease but not a disease itself. Our audience will be people who think it is a disease and health care/ medical field and G. Hawley.We will be bring in more evidence and become more specific to where the line is between obesity VS. being overweight.

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Argument:  These Peanut Butter M&M’s are not counted as a serving of protein.

Audience: Doctors / Dietitians.

What they know: They all know what should be in a daily diet, what people should eat and should not eat, what other proteins people can eat, and any type of substitutes for protein.

What we need to know: Terminology, ingredients in the peanut M&M’s, nutrients facts. Comparing to M&M’s there are foods that are fatting but also gives protein. EX: burritos, humus, and refried beans.

What are they going to say: Too much sugar, no vitamins, more fat and crabs then protein, M&M’s should not be in a daily diet.

Why them: Because they have the upper hand, experience, and history in the nutrition field.

What can they do: If they disagree with us they would convince people that Peanut M&M’s are unhealthy. If they agree with us they could sell the M&M’s in schools and promote the M&M’s.

Effective Response: We would need logic in order to talk to them and have them convinced.

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Hey guys! Welcome to ConfessionsOfaGrunge92! I’m very excited to read some of your posts, leave comments and all of that good stuff. This is my first time having a blog of some sort whatsoever, so go a little easy on me. That being said lets live a little, celebrate good times, sit back, relax, and enjoy the numerous blogs!

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