
Posts Tagged ‘datphatkidd’

The one think most people should know is how to swim before they hit middle age. Even though I don’t know how to swim I really need to learn. It’s better off to know how to swim then not. Here’s a situation, what if *knock on wood* something were to happen to the world, what would you do? What if a horrible storm/tornado/hurricane, came our way, what would you do then? This is not good for you. BUT if you knew this skill you would have a higher percentage in living a long and happy life! I know I will be practicing how to swim this summer. You should do the same if you don’t know how to swim. This could be a very nice skill to learn (studies show its better to learn how to swim when you’re a child than when you’re older.) You could also go to a swimming class by a professional if that would make you feel a lot better. Learning how to swim is a lot more safer than not knowing.

Love the water people. Then learn how to swim. =)

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The best location to spend Spring Break would be.. your bed. It’s such a warm lovely place to stay and its free! Who doesn’t like anything free. No need to make any reservations, see annoying people, or need for room service. Of course you can always invite people over and have them mess up your house then you could hire a maid to get that “vacation feel”, but hey that’s up to you. Your bed is the best place to get rest, warmth, and the best place to have daydreams. Why go outside and lay in the wet grass when you have a nice warm cozy bed to sleep in? You would be crazy to go out in the cold windy weather and not enjoy the warmth provided in your house. Paradise oh paradise. Its right under your nose. Can’t you feel it?

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Hello parents,
      This is your lovely middle child, datphatkidd, and I’m writing this letter to you because I think I should be the Empress of the house.  I say this because I make the meals when Dad or my brother is too lazy to make dinner, or when they feel like ordering food will solve the problem. I wash the dishes everyday even though that’s my brothers job. Mother, you’re too busy with school in order to buy food and buy the materials that’s needed for the household, so everybody runs on E all day. My youngest sister is also busy with school and father, you are too busy with work and working on computers. Yes I work 4 days a week and go to school 4 days a week but I know I can be able to balance everything out. You guys know how I can organize things out and make sure everything is done. You know I have the responsibitly to control, I take care of everybody even you guys! I just got a job so I can be able to support the family. Give me a chance, and I’ll rule the world.

– Datphatkidd.

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Obesity Is Not a Disease

George Hawley:

  • He is ranting and not giving any real evidence. His “argument” is only from his point of view and is too personal. Who is his audience? Parents? We aren’t sure. In this argument he is too bias and is so narrow minded.


  • Obesity is a RESULT of a disease but not a disease itself. Our audience will be people who think it is a disease and health care/ medical field and G. Hawley.We will be bring in more evidence and become more specific to where the line is between obesity VS. being overweight.

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Argument:  These Peanut Butter M&M’s are not counted as a serving of protein.

Audience: Doctors / Dietitians.

What they know: They all know what should be in a daily diet, what people should eat and should not eat, what other proteins people can eat, and any type of substitutes for protein.

What we need to know: Terminology, ingredients in the peanut M&M’s, nutrients facts. Comparing to M&M’s there are foods that are fatting but also gives protein. EX: burritos, humus, and refried beans.

What are they going to say: Too much sugar, no vitamins, more fat and crabs then protein, M&M’s should not be in a daily diet.

Why them: Because they have the upper hand, experience, and history in the nutrition field.

What can they do: If they disagree with us they would convince people that Peanut M&M’s are unhealthy. If they agree with us they could sell the M&M’s in schools and promote the M&M’s.

Effective Response: We would need logic in order to talk to them and have them convinced.

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As you can tell by the name I am a “phat kidd” meaning a plus size girl. Now, when you see a bigger girl or a bigger man then the “average size”, everyone thinks we eat really fatty foods or we over eat. I remember when I was at the Columbia Mall and I had gotten a  fruit salad from Chick-Fil-A, and a friend of mine had said “What are you doing eating that salad? We fat girls need chicken sandwiches.” Yes she was plus size, but we were on two different pages. Just because I wasn’t eating a chicken sandwich I was in the wrong. Doctors would be happy to see me eat a fruit salad, I didn’t understand why she didn’t. “Us ‘fat people’ need to stick together.” I told her that just because I wear a size 18/20 does not mean that I have to “stick together” with other plus sized people. I had to explain to her I not only like the chicken sandwich, I like the fruit salad, a cobb salad, grilled or baked chicken (which is healthier), toasted sandwiches, fruit smoothies, anything! Yes, I have to admit that when I was younger I ate a lot to make my parents happy, but now I know better. This fat is not only made up from unhealthy foods, but also very healthy foods.

To the fact that she had thought I would eat fatty foods, made me think a.) who my real friends are and b.) how much I really care for myself. I’m glad I stood up for all of the healthy “fat people” that  obviously nobody believes anymore. I just really hope that the next time YOU see a fat person eating a chicken sandwich or eating a salad, do not stereotype them like my friend did.

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Years ago, before I started taking Spanish classes, I had learned one word. When I was about 10 or 12 I had just recently started watching Law & Order with Benjamin Pratt and Jerry Orbach. I forgot what the plot of the whole episode was, but Benjamin Pratt had been talking at a Hispanic woman and she had called him a “Pendejo” in Spanish. I asked what my sister what that word meant, and she told me it was jerk in Spanish. Long story short, I started calling everybody that! I felt all cool and what not knowing one word of Spanish. Years later after learning 3 years of Spanish, I asked one of my classmates if she knew what “pendejo” meant. She had informed me that it not only meant jerk, but it had also meant… a donkey’s behind! I felt so stupid not knowing all of the meanings to the word. I enjoy knowing definitions to words that aren’t in my native tongue. But after learning the other definitions to this one word, I’ve learned to know learn about every single word I’ve ever learned not only in Spanish but in English too. So darn you Law & Order for saying a word and not saying what it really meant! Ha.

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Well, Hello There!

Hello, my name is datphatkidd. People know me as the type of person to be out there and have fun. I am also the type of person to speak my mind on and not have a problem with it. On this blog I plan on putting in more than just two cents, especially with topics that I am most connected with.  I also plan on understanding different points of views or at least trying to do so. I love being able to see how people think and what they see and I feel as if this blog will help me open my horizons.

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