
Posts Tagged ‘lovepeacehappiness3’


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Over all I have learned a lot from this class, english has not been my strongest subject in school and I was never the best at writing papers. Coming into this class I thought it was going to be horrible, having to write papers everyday. It turn out that this class was one of my favorite ones to take this semester. With writing the papers I have learned more about the structure of how to write them. I did not know much about writing argumentative papers,either. Learning the rhetorical appeals has been a real help for me in realizing how I need to base my papers. I had never heard of them before this class. Also, I had never thought of thinking about my audience and how they play a role a paper. Alot of what I learned in this class I can use and take onto my other classes.

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I think one thing everyone should know how to do by the time they are middle aged is be able to use a computer. The technology that is being made these days is amazing. Pretty soon everything we do will be based off of some kind of electronic device. Already people use the computer to communicate in so many ways, if you do not know how to use a computer I think it will really hurt you in the long run. So if you do not know how to use one at the moment I would go to the store buy a computer and start to learn, or even take a class on how to use one.

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Spring Break

I think that the best place to spend spring break, is somewhere tropical and warm. This is the best because it is always relaxing to sit on the beach listening to the waves crash on the bank and have the warm sun sink into your skin. Swimming in the clear turquose water, fish swimming by you. Also looking at the dolphins swimming by is always fun to see. Seeing palm trees everywhere, the warm air, seaguls and pelicans fyling in the sky.Another pro to going somehwere warm and tropical is that you get a tan! Normally for spring break I go to some tropical island, but as I have been growing up and have siblings it has become more difficult to go places and so this year I am just going to Florida.Which is a great place to go because I get to see my grandma and Florida is a very pretty state.

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Why I should be empress of my house?

Audience: Parents


Dear Mom and Dad,

I have been thinking a lot of the past couple of years of who should be  ‘head’ of the house. I have decided that I should be the empress of the house. It seems to me that I would be the best fit for this. This is because I help out most around the house. You all know that I am a great leader,considering I have been captain on multiple soccer teams.Whenever there is something needed to do around the house I am there to do it. Also, I help out a lot with Josie (our little sister). Since Sage is away at college it is just the two of here now.  Both of you are busy with work so I am there taking care of her and telling her what to do, when it needs to be done. Also, everybody in the house listen to what I have to say, that take in my good input and agree to what I have to say almost all of the time.  Me being the empress of the house would benefit our house a lot.

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When I was younger I really had no clue how to conduct research, I was never really properly told what sources were reliable and were not. I knew that most internet sources were not reliable, but I was never told how to detect it. I was just told to never use wikipedia. I normally went to the library and got book when I had research papers due. I did not know about the online databases, until my junior year in high school. Which I than started to use that also. I still will use google also, if I want to get a more basic idea of what something means. I knew that most of all the book I got were reliable and the ones on the data base. I normally choose my sources by making sure it had all the information I need to do my research paper. I was also told in my junior year of high school to only use websites that have ,org ,net, but just make sure it does not have com at the end because that usually is not a reliable source. Not until college I was really told how to know what sources are reliable or not.

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Obesity is Not a Disease

We choose to Refute


-Hawley defines a disease as pathological, but then goes on to say that being obese is a person’s choice. This is a weakness because he contradicted himself. His main definition does not support his argument.

-He only used his opinion. He did not provide facts to back-up his claims. Using opinion makes an author lose credibility.

-He does not give enough support as to how obesity is not a disease. If he can’t support his own argument, then it won’t be effective.

-His tone is very angry. Having an angry tone would make the audience close themselves off to what he has to say.

-He does not cite enough of his sources. He thinks the reader will just take his word for it. Not citing sources is a huge blow to an author’s credibility.

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Question of the Week

Identify an opposing argument to your position. It might be the opposite of your position or you might be trying to sort out “gray area” in the controversy.

-An opposing argument to our position would be that Paper should be able to beat Rock in the game of RockPaperScissors.

Who is a potential audience for this argument? Identify them as concretely and specifically as possible.

-Since RockPaperScissors is such a universal game (anyone can play it), a potential audience for this argument would be people who truly believe that Paper has a right to beat Rock. More specifically, an audience could be the World RockPaperScissors Society.

What do you know about them already?

-They are a group that takes RPS very seriously. They hold annual competitions where they offer $1,000 and they have a character description for Rock, Paper, and Scissors.

What do you need to know about them in order to understand how to argue with them? What arguments might they provide that you need to rebut?

-We need to know WHY they think Paper should beat Rock. If we understand their logic, then we can find holes in their argument and form our own argument’s basis off of that.

Why this audience? What do you want them to do with your argument?

-This group seems to take the game very seriously and they seem like they would have a lot of influence on other people who play the game if they change their rules. We want them to understand the logic of our argument and change the rules of RPS.

Why/how do they have the power to act? What can they do? Why should they do anything?

-They can reach a lot of people who think that Paper should beat Rock and influence them. This group is obviously “professional” at the game. They can change their rules and post it on their website. They should change the rules because logically, Paper can’t beat Rock. How can Paper, something so flimsy, beat Rock?

What kinds of arguments are most likely to be effective in creating an effective response (or win against) the opposition? If you can, name the rhetorical appeals you think will most likely work in your favor/will convince your audience of your position.

-The rhetorical appeal that will most likely work in our favor would be “logos”. We can appeal to the World RockPaperScissors Society’s sense of logic in order to explain to people that Paper can’t beat Rock. Paper is a flimsy and weak object and Rock is solid. Just because Paper wraps around Rock does NOT mean that Rock is killed.

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I feel like I am being judged all the time by everyone and anyone. I try to be as polite and nice to anyone that approaches me. Also, I always try to be on my best behavior when I am out with my family. But, the time that I felt most judged and defined was my senior year in high school, by someone who was supposed to be my best friend. It was when we all were applying to colleges and i had made the decision that I just wanted to go to community college, because of money issues and for other reasons. When I told my best friend this she started to act all weird and told me i was making the wrong decision and it was a bad idea. Even her mom turned her head away to that idea. When I saw their reaction to my decision it made me feel like I was stupid and made me upset and like I should of gone to a university. After I talked to plenty of people who had been in college for a few years and they all told me they wished they had gone to college before a university, I than began to feel a lot better about myself and not care what my friend thought of me.

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Misused words :/

I can not really think of a certain word that I had misused sometime when I was younger, which is silly because I am pretty sure I misused a lot of words. But, I am sure many people have done this at some point in their schooling years. The word(s) that I had misused was more of a grammatical mistake. It was the words angle and angel. It was when I was in middle school, I even misused it in high school :o. It was always embarrassing to get a math  test back, and would have gotten an A or a hundred percent, but having deductions for misspelling ANGLE!

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