
Posts Tagged ‘pollution’

What is one world problem that you think needs a solution? Identify the problem and offer YOUR ideas for a solution. Describe what needs to be done, how the solution will be implemented and who will should be responsible for undertaking your idea.

One world problem that needs a solution is pollution (that rhymes!). I think the main reason why the problem of pollution hasn’t been solved yet is because it comes in so many different forms. Most people pollute when they’re not even thinking about it; driving cars, littering, or even using cleaning products are all acts of polluting. Pollution has many harmful ramifications because it harms both our environment and us. It affects every aspect of our environment (from the water to the air) which in turn affects plants, animals, and humans alike. The thing is, pollution is not just something that happens in one specific country; the whole world contributes to it!

So what can we do to solve the problem of pollution? The answer to that is very tricky. While almost everyone pollutes in one way or another, only a few people are willing to change their lifestyles in order to accommodate our environment. However, there is an endless list of small actions everyone can take in order to reduce their pollution output. It is up to everyone who has access to appropriate resources to undertake this idea.

1.) Recycle. This is something almost anyone can do to help out the environment. There are accommodations for recycling almost everywhere nowadays from curbside recycling services to the recycling bins at HCC. Instead of throwing your scrap paper into the trash, why not toss it into the recycling bin? That small action could help save a couple of trees.

2.) Keep your car in the garage. One of the biggest contributors to air pollution is exhaust fumes from cars. Walk, ride your bike, take a bus, or ride the metro to the places you need to get to, if possible. If taking a car is necessary, then try carpooling with people to reduce the amount of cars on the road.

3.) Plant a tree. Trees are vital in order for us to live. They clean our air and help us breathe. It is unfortunate that thousands of forests and rainforests are being cut down permanently in order to make room for industrial purposes. Plant trees in your communities and reduce your paper consumption in order to save trees.

4.) Avoid using harmful household products. Many cleaning products contain chemicals that harm the environment and us. Buy products that mention on the label that they are environmentally friendly or that they don’t contain harmful chemicals, etc.

While these actions may seem small or petty, they are the stepping stones to helping solve the problem of pollution.

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