
Posts Tagged ‘q of the w’

Hey, I am mza2012. Right now, that probably doesn’t mean much to you so I’ll introduce myself. I am an aspiring teacher, poet, and photographer. I graduated high school a year and a half early which means that I am now prematurely caught up in the whirlwind known as college. I was home schooled online for my two short years of high school. A lot of my friends tell me that I missed out on the whole “high school experience”, but I tell them that I saved myself from a boatload of issues – both mentally and physically. But that’s just my opinion.  I’m an introvert. I am usually wrapped up in a book or doodling in a notebook.

If there’s one thing you need to know about me, it is that I am independent. I don’t rely on people for much, but I am the type of person who others rely on. I’m kind of sarcastic. I make lame jokes and my brother is the only one who laughs at ‘em.

I’m kind of running out of things to say.

So I’ll sign off saying that I love my life, my family, and Mac & cheese.




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