
Posts Tagged ‘question of the week 9’

This won’t be the most popular opinion I share, but I believe it necessary to ensure our continued survival as a species on this planet.  I think population control needs to be expanded worldwide, and not only executed in countries like China (although perhaps in a different way).  I value all life as equal.  When I think about the insurmountable damage we have caused to the ecosystem that supported so much life, the species that have blinked out of existence at our hand for various reasons, I think humans are terribly detrimental to this planet.  To the chagrin of our ancestors and our future descendants, I often muse that this planet would have been better off without homo sapiens. I don’t wish suffering on any of us – the people, the mosquitoes, the rabbits, the trees.  I do see limiting reproduction as the most humane means of controlling human population growth.  When a hunter feels justified in killing deer to maintain their population because they have become a nuisance, I can’t help but think what it would be like if the roles were reversed.  I am not suggesting that we start killing off populations of people; can’t you imagine, though,  that if the rest of earth’s fauna were carrying guns and human intelligence, they would pick us off for all the nuisance we’ve been to them?  Surely, they wouldn’t allow us to pave the entire planet.  I think limiting households to a certain number of children is a proactive and fair way of mitigating the exponential negative effects of human population growth.

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