
Posts Tagged ‘strutmypumps90210’

When I was a kid I can remember when we had Earth Day in school and had many people come talk to us and show us how to recycle and save the earth. Even though it’s a national “holiday” many people still don’t recycle or try to help the earth. There are so many things causing global warming and thankfully major companies have helped and advised their consumers of hazards. For example hairspray makers, some companies have made the chemicals less harmful to the earth’s ozone layer. Companies that produce batteries have replaced throwing the batteries away to rechargeable batteries. I think companies should make it more affordable to people so that there isn’t so much waste with these harmful batteries. Also a problem is that people in America consume too much energy. Simple things such as unplugging electrical cords when not in use can help you save lots of money on electrical bills. I think companies that see the change in electrical usage should give some type of bonus to the consumer, the same way the “safe driving bonus” is used.  As people that live on this earth we should take care of our earth. W emight not see immediate results but it can help the generations to come.

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One thing I absolutely hate is when someone cannot clean up after themselves because to me it shows that they might not have good hygiene. There are many people I know who are past their middle age and have no clue how to wash dishes or make their bed. I think cleaning up after one’s self is something that is taught in kindergarten or day care. I think pretty much everyone knows the song, “Clean up clean up, everybody everywhere”. This song is sung daily in day care and in classes with little children. Having learned this song when you’re little should be kept and instilled in someone’s head, yet people still don’t know how to do such a task.

I have been to many people’s houses and cars and it’s just a big mess. When someone enters your car or house they see how well you present yourself. If you have a messy car some people may think you are a messy person. If you walk into someone’s house and you see their dirty laundry everywhere out in the open you would think their hygiene isn’t so great.

Cleanliness is essential and is something that should be well programmed in your daily routine.

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Dear Mom and Dad,

I have a special suggestion for you both. I think I should be the empress of the household. I understand you both are the parents and do work for everything I have but, I do take care of the house and my little brothers. I completely understand that having your own business you both are very busy.

When I come home even after a long day at school taking test, studies and being in class I still come home and clean up the house. I do it all by myself and it is not easy cleaning up after five other people. I have taken lost of responsibilities in the household being the oldest sister as a motherly figure. Not only do I clean but I cook entire meals for everyone. I do this because it takes of a lot of stress when you come home. When everything is finished in the house you both come home and can rest and not worry about anything else.

There have also been times where I have had to leave school early to pick up one of my little brothers. Sometimes they get sick and you both are in a business meeting or somewhere far I get out of class to pick them up. Also when they want to go somewhere I am usually the one who takes them. When I drop my little brothers off at a friend’s house I do not just leave them there. I make sure I know who the friend is and who the parents are. I also make sure the parents know who I am.

In conclusion the responsibilities I take on, I do and complete every single one of them. I do not work but I do run the household. I keep things going in the house with my little brothers and I organize many of the family events. Many of these leadership characteristics and nurturing behavior is a lot like being an empress. I think I have given reasons as to why I should be given the name of empress of the household.

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The author’s position is that obesity is not a disease because he believes it can be avoided by managing eating habits and exercise alone.  Our position is that obesity is a disease, and the author’s argument is flawed because:

  • his tone (overly sarcastic and angry) affects his credibility.  It is difficult to take him seriously.
  • he contradicts himself in his definition of a disease.
  • his use of the term “Big Brother” makes him sound like a raving lunatic.  Paranoid much?
  • he infers that there will be no personal accountability, but the only way to succeed in conquering weight problems long-term is the incorporation of lifestyle changes and action.
  • he refutes scientific data without including any of the statistics.
  • he uses no data to strengthen his own argument.
  • he doesn’t give clear examples of fast food restaurants who are allegedly perpetuating the obesity problem.
  • He generalizes, ignoring medical causes for obesity.
  • He stereotypes often, assuming that all obese people are regular consumers of fast food.
  • he never reveals a credible source in the text of the essay.
  • he doesn’t seem to have a clear audience or impetus for writing, he’s just ranting.
  • he seems to believe that there is no social responsibility held by the government or corporations.  His decision to side with corporations alienates a large potential audience.
  • he claims to understand the motivation of American consumers without research.
  • he uses melodramatic phrases, like the standalone paragraph that reads “Nonsense.”

Overall, we believe that this argument is nothing more than a rant, similar to what we would read on a blog.  We don’t think it deserves credit for anything more, because any true research he did isn’t apparent at any point in the article.

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Opposition Argument – Glitter should be on vampires because it makes them more interesting and would be scarier at night.

Audience – 10-35 year olds, especially those who read or watch the Twilight series.

What we know about the audience – they are gullible, but passionate about this series.  They will fight to the teeth because of their affinity for the characters and more importantly the actors in the Twilight series.

What’s important to arguing with them – the response to Twilight is particularly emotional response, so we should rebut in kind.  We also need to try to separate the attraction to actors from the content of the movie.

Their rebuttals – it doesn’t matter, it isn’t real.  We like the way glitter looks on vampires.

Why this audience – this audience has accepted the new paradigm of vampire, whereas older audiences already agree with our argument based on their own prior experiences in vampire-related entertainment.  We hope they will consider our argument and perhaps see that the existence of glitter on the vampires is unnecessary and doesn’t add anything to their capabilities.

Power to act – the audience has the choice of reading or not reading/viewing or not viewing materials that promote a sparkly vampire.  At worst, they can expand word-of-mouth disdain for the concept of a glitter on vampires.

Our rhetoric – Vampires are often considered devilish/demonic figures, and they can’t be taken seriously if they glitter.  It detracts from their more intimidating characteristics.  Glittering is demonstrated in Twilight when the vampires are in sunlight, but in traditional vampire movies or books, vampires are always weakened, injured, or killed by the sun.  The new age of glittering vampires flies in the face of centuries of vampire lore.

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I am a girl that loves to dress up have my make-up done and wear heels. I love wearing big exaggerative jewelry and every that shines. My mom always taught me that no matter where I am or how I feel, you always look your best even if you don’t feel your best. I was taught that you must be presentable because you never know who you are going to meet. I am an eighteen year old lady that pretty much has a lot of things handed to by my parents. I am an only girl with four brothers and I am the middle child. I do not have a job because I don’t really see the need to have one I rather focus on my studies. Many people think that because I am privileged and wear flashy clothes that I am stuck up, rude, bratty, and naive, which is the complete opposite of who I really am.

I am stereotyped everywhere I go. There have been instances where people automatically do not like me because they think I am stuck up. One time when I was at a party there were some girls who I’ve never met were not being too friendly to me. It’s something I am sort of used to so it was not a big deal. I am an entertainer I’m always the one telling jokes having a good time and they decided to come in and join me in my fun. I now am best friends with one the girls and she told me her first impression. She said when she first met me she thought I was stuck up and rude because I had my hair done, make-up and a really nice dress with high heels.

Constantly people tell me that their first impressions of me is that I am naïve and rude because I am “over dressed” and spoiled. People think that with age and experience in jobs you learn a lot. Just general with life experiences you learn a lot. People think that because I am dressy and have daddy’s credit card that I know nothing about life. I know more about life than people who are ten years older than me. I dress well because that’s just me I like too and like my mom said first impressions leaving lasting impressions. There is a difference between making a first impression and making a stereotype about someone.

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WhenI was 3 years old my mom metd my stepdad and they got married when I was five. He had huge family with many cousins around my age. He already had two sons that were older than me and we got along pretty well. My first language actually was Spanish even though both my mom and I were born here. When I met my brothers and my new family they all spoke English. My English was not too good since i barely even started school. So they would say things and I didn’t understand half the things they would say. One day we were all playing and I was telling my oldest brother my dad said he had to let me play. He was five years older than me of course he didn’t want me to play with the “boys” games. I kept telling him he had to let me play and that I “proved” it. They were all confused when i said that so he kept saying, “Alright go prove it”. I stood there for a second thinking how I could prove it. I just kept saying “Yes, I PROVE IT I PROVE IT!”. They all kept laughing because what I was saying didn’t make any sense. Even though I swore I was making sense. After a while of arguing back and forth they fianlly said, ” Ariel, its I PROMISE not I prove it”. This entire time I thought “I prove it” meant “I promise”.

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Hi my name is StrutMyPumps90210. I’m sure you can tell high heels and fashion are basically my life. High heels have been something I just been inclined to wearing even high heels. Though some people think I’m crazy for wearing them everyday. People think that fashion is for snobby rich stuck up people who only care about themselves, not true. Everyone has their own sense of style because everyone wants to express an idea. Some people wear sweats because they are emphasizing they are tired and some wear jerseys and basketball shorts because they love sports. As much as people think fashion is not important, it is part of every single persons daily life.

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