
Posts Tagged ‘syedmhassnain’

the most important thing someone should know is in my world. so far i think it is should know to how talk to people. because if you’re not able to speck to other people or able to tell them how you feel. then later on in life this will hurt that person a lot they wont be able to have friends. have someone close in the family tp them or have a girl/boy friend. or wont be able to get ahead in life because the one of the most way people communicate is talking to one another so I feel if you’re not able to show how u feel or be able to put it in to words.

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spring break. smash

             i am sure everybody feels different for the upcoming break. i for one like to go out to a place where its warm for example i would love to go to Jamaica because its warm over there plus it also have beaches and other lovely sites for kids in college beautiful girls at the beach. because i am boy i am only thinking about where i want to go and where pretty girls would with a hot weather and  alots of  water. all that combine would make the best break ever. i am sure that i am not the only person who would like to go there all the great things they to offer to us. i know every person would want to be on a beach with a girl late at night “just talking” going to parties on the beach at night and summing and chilling on the beach in the morning.  meeting new people mostly girls and girls don’t feel bad there hope for you if you go down to Jamaica same things are waiting for boy, warm weather and beaches. so i personally would want all the kids at HCC and other college who are going to have the same spring break as us I would definitely recommend going to Jamaica for the best spring break every and the time of your youth life

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dear professor,

hello I would like for you to let me be the teacher of your class for one week, I want to shear the knowledge that I contain in my brain with you and the class. the reasons I want to be the a professor for a week is because you and I shear totally different beliefs about most of the subjects so i just thought that it would be a little challenging for you as well for you to just sit there and listen to me while i talk about daily topic. because i want to learn so I have to sit here and listen to you when you are teaching us and take in account that you’re the authority in the class and whatever you say is the truth or the right thing to believe. so i thought it would be great that if you got to listen to me and what I have to say about a few matter about the daily life and how we as students should do things. if you give me this one chance im sure you learn a lot from what i have to say and show to all of you.


sincerely your

Syed Hassnain


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