
Posts Tagged ‘what to know when you are old’

What’s one thing you think most people should know how to do by the time they become middle-age? Why? How should/can they learn how to do that if they haven’t already?

The one thing I think most people should know how to do by the time they become middle-age is to express their emotions. Whether people agree or not, it is a fact that every single human being expresses some kind of emotion (unless someone is numb from shock or something [in which case they would be experiencing the emotion of “shock”]). An emotion is basically a strong feeling that is provoked by something (maybe an object or a person) in particular. It is a natural thing to show emotion; that is why a baby cries, laughs, or gets upset whenever it feels like it. However, as a person grows older, they learn to refine how they express their emotions. For example, although a toddler might hit his peer for taking his toy, a fifth grader will know that expressing his emotion in that way is not acceptable. I think it is imperative for someone who is middle aged to know how to conduct his/her emotions properly.  If not, that person might become a social outcast.  Society holds certain “norms” as to how a person should deal with their emotions. These “norms” are what keep things in order. If a 50 year old goes around hitting everyone who upsets him/her, he/she would probably end up in court. It’s just the way things work.

It would be hard to be in your 40s or 50s and not know how to properly express how you feel. If someone is middle aged and still does not know how to express emotions, there are several options they can take. I think the most helpful thing would be to go to a therapist or a communications specialist. Or, the person could read up on some books about coping with certain emotions.

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